

Hey,我是Sandm(SandmX, @sandm),一个略懂计算机科学与艺术的斜杆不动青年,自诩是一个 RIT 计算机科学系(师从 Prof. Matthew Fluet 专攻编程语言) 的黑客与画家

当然,以上纯属我吹牛的。 人嘛,总是要有点梦想的 ~

目前的物理活动范围主要在中国大陆,计划将于不久后前往慕尼黑 (正在学习德语) ,也想当个数字游侠。虚拟分身日常出没于知乎B站Github 等。

对“ 平凡伟大 ”,有着自己独特的定义。


  • 中国美术学院 素描 四级
  • 中国美术学院 素描 五级
  • 2021年歌颂祖国全国青少年艺术展演·书画作品展 金奖

前前后后独立完成过一些小项目 不过基本都烂尾了 包括但不限于

  • Flask 服务端提供 API 服务
  • PySide6 桌面应用程序
  • Gradio Web-UI 程序
  • Selenium 网页自动化测试
  • PyTorch 基于 CNN 的图像分类
  • Pyinstaller + Nuitka 混合编译打包算法
  • Tesseract-ocr 德语手写体识别
  • Open-CV 视频自动去除黑边
  • 基础自动化办公小脚本
  • 慢慢来
  • 面包会有的
  • 慢慢来
  • 牛奶也会有的

Hey, I’m Sandm (SandmX, @sandm), a young man who knows a little about computer science and art. I call myself a hacker and painter from the Computer Science Department of RIT (I studied under Prof. Matthew Fluet and specialized in programming languages).

Of course, the above is just my bragging People should have their own dreams ~

Currently, my physical activities are mainly in mainland China. I plan to go to Munich in the future (learning German now), and I also want to be a digital nomad. My virtual actor is often seen on Zhihu, Bilibili, Github, etc.

I have my own unique definition of “ordinary and great”.

I have litte hobbies, just like to type and look at cutting-edge technologies. I learned to draw for a while when I was young and got them easily

  • Sketching Level 4 of China Academy of Art
  • Sketching Level 5 of China Academy of Art
  • Gold Award of 2021 National Youth Art Performance & Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition

I have completed some small projects independently but they are basically peaces of sh*t Including but not limited to

  • Flask Server provides API services
  • PySide6 Desktop application
  • Gradio Web-UI program
  • Selenium Web page automation testing
  • PyTorch image classification based on CNN
  • Pyinstaller + Nuitka Blend compilation and packaging algorithm
  • Tesseract-ocr German handwriting recognition
  • Open-CV Videos automatic black edge removaler
  • Basic Some simple automated office scripts
Technical speech
  • Take your time
  • There will be bread
Media attention
  • Take your time
  • There will be milk too